
“The Mating Game” – the only game you really have WIN at, and know how to do it!

Learn about Love’s Biology, the Love Brain, the 10 relational partnerships, the most naturally compatible partnerships, and why.


Exploring topics, such as, how the 4 Personality Types work, how to identify them, the most compatible partnerships and why, the joys and troubles of all partnerships, and Dating tips for each Personality Type.

 – Learn about the ones that choose the path least traveled by!

Builders – Learn about the ones that are pillars of society!

Directors – Learn about the ones that are born to make it happen!

Negotiators – Learn about the dreamers and philosophers of the world!

The 10 Partnership Dynamics: The Adventurers, The Hommies, The Bosses, The Idealists, The Dreamers, The Practical, The Opposites, The Non-Matching, The Independents, and The Pals.

The 4 Most Naturally Compatible Partnerships

Reach out:
Send us an email at

with Your Type!

Fortunately, in most cultures around the world, we can choose our romantic partners. But, not always these choices are conscious or well-informed. And often… they aren’t the best match for us at all, leading to much heartbreak and loneliness.

Understanding how the Love Brain works is fascinating, a knowledge based on scientific studies of anthropologist Helen Fisher, and it will help you find long-lasting Love, today.

I introduce you to,

The 4 Personality Types

Take the Personality Test and find out who you are and how you love!
If you already took the test, read on to learn more.

Take me to the PERSONALITY TEST!

Finding Love is rare, and knowing how to keep it, too. But, you can learn both.

And I’ll show you how.


This knowledge is KEY for successfully helping Singles improve the status and quality of their love life and find a compatible Match quickly. It will also stop you from wasting time, energy, and resources on relationships that are destined to fail. And prevent you from getting into them in the first place!


This knowledge is also helpful for long-term consolidated couples, who wish to grow further their partnership, understand it better, and reconnect deeply with one another.



“The Mating Game” – the only game you really have WIN at, and know how to do it!

Learn about Love’s Biology, the Love Brain, the 10 relational partnerships, the most naturally compatible partnerships, and why.


Exploring topics, such as, how the 4 Personality Types work, how to identify them, the most compatible partnerships and why, the joys and troubles of all partnerships, and Dating tips for each Personality Type.

 – Learn about the ones that choose the path least traveled by!

Builders – Learn about the ones that are pillars of society!

Directors – Learn about the ones that are born to make it happen!

Negotiators – Learn about the dreamers and philosophers of the world!

The 10 Partnership Dynamics: The Adventurers, The Hommies, The Bosses, The Idealists, The Dreamers, The Practical, The Opposites, The Non-Matching, The Independents, and The Pals.

The 4 Most Naturally Compatible Partnerships

About the 4
Personality Types:

Reach out:

Send us an email at


Explorers are…

Curious, creative, and adventurous. They are here to open the way, make discoveries, and have tons of fun (and sex!). They have the highest sexual energy of the 4 Types.

Who do they match well with? Who should an Explorer choose as a romantic partner?

More information soon on this page, and on my Youtube channel.

Subscribe, and have a peek here once in a while, as well the articles page and social media.


Negotiatores are…

Romantic, natural empaths, communicative and instrospective. They are the altruistic of the 4 types and are here to connect people with each other and help the world be a better place by showing love and saving animals.

Who do they match well with? Who should a Negotiator choose as a romantic partner?

More information soon on this page, and on my Youtube channel.

Subscribe, and have a peek here once in a while, as well the articles page and social media.


Directors are…

The most efficient and competitive of the 4 types. They are here to make intelligent and strategic decisions and achieve goals and success. They are direct, tough-minded, logical, dependable, and practical. They are here to make things happen. And you can be sure that they do!

Who do they match well with? Who should a Director choose as a romantic partner?

More information soon on this page, and on my Youtube channel.

Subscribe, and have a peek here once in a while, as well the articles page and social media.


Builders are…

The pillars of society. They are natural caretakers and are here to secure the continuation of everything: traditions, customs, values, rituals, and the human species. They are group-orientated and the most traditional of the 4 types. A Builder is here to build: roots, houses, projects, and a family.

Who do they match well with? Who should an Explorer choose as a romantic partner?

More information soon on this page, and on my Youtube channel.

Subscribe, and have a peek here once in a while, as well the articles page and social media.